The coronavirus pandemic has been a challenging and worrying time for each and every one of us. Now more than ever, it’s incredibly important to have an open and supportive workplace with a culture where staff feel able to talk about mental health.

In order to equip our people with the confidence and skills to have supportive conversations about mental health and wellbeing, we have a team of Mental Health First Aiders who are the point of contact for an employee who is experiencing a mental health issue or emotional distress.

Report a mental health button


Our Mental Health First Aiders are trained to:

Blue tick bulletSpot the early signs and symptoms of mental ill health

Blue tick bulletStart a supportive conversation with a colleague who may be experiencing a mental health issue or emotional distress

Blue tick bulletListen to the person non-judgementally

Blue tick bulletEncourage and signpost the person to access appropriate professional support or self-help strategies.

Blue tick bulletEscalate to the appropriate emergency services, if necessary

Blue tick bulletMaintain confidentiality as appropriate

Blue tick bulletProtect themselves while performing their role




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